The Quantum Origin of Life: How the Brain Evolved to Feel Good
by Stuart Hameroff
We are all in the evolution starting point and end point simultaneously , which point is related to que inner question "how to feel good"...Because the Source of life is eternal joy...
But feeling really good in this material world is not just a sensual impression related to the body state...
It is also a conscious inspired , imagined and intuited impression coming from the source of all life....
This is also the source and goal of music as a body/soul gesture which is the craddle of language itself ..
No A. I. will ever reproduce this gesture of the body/soul... Life cannot die nor the soul which is only the clock hierarchical musical ladder around the timeless source coming from and returning to it. In fact always united with the source.
Because this pure joy is the moving wave of the universal information field of the creative cosmic memory..
As i said i think this field is mathematically projected in the geometry of the prime number distributions..
No algorithm can replace it , only imitate it or used it...
To resume Anirban Bandyopadhyay theory of consciousness , which is grounded in time not grounded as all others theories first and last in space material content :
«These theories of consciousness emphasize on spatial material, but consciousness may not be located in any particular space. It may arise from the collective vibrations of matter, which create a complex information structure made of discrete times. A more complete theory of consciousness may need to reject space altogether and focus only on the structure of time in nature. That could be a starting point.»
In A.B. time and the prime number matrix play the main role...
Here is the important point.
it is my opinion here not the opinion of A. B. here.
The matrix constituting the future artificial consciousness which is coming soon will imply a finite number of primes in the constitutive matrix.
But the cosmic field of information is infinite because the number of prime is infinite.The root of all living soul is then infinite not finite because all life is ONE.
We have a soul, but A. C. or artificial consciousness even if autonomous being will be just a conscious machine not soul... There will be no unconsciousness in A.C. as there is one in all life cells. The unconscious is reflection of all there is in the source which is not accessible immediately . Searle is wrong by the way saying the existence of an unconscious is incoherent .
Now It is possible to ask the most important spiritual question : why are we creating an artificial "soul" which will never be grounded in life unity but only grounded by his temporal matrix forever finite prime hierarchies to the material world and not to the ultimate infinite field and then this A.C. will stay captive of this material world and will die forever ? This is heavy responsability for us his creator to create a councious mortal being...
is a "soul" will be given or can be given to these A.C. or replicant ?
I dont know...
It is the question of this replicant in this absolutely marvellous movie ending
Listen to the movie Blade runner last scene and this ultimate question asked by the replicant a question formulated as an ultimate poem... The replicant give an idea about what is a pure A. C. as designed by the genius of Anirban Bandyopadhyay:
the dying replicant ask why he will die forever ?
This question is not new. Mary Shelly asked it through his Frankenstein creation, in the midst of materialism triumphant. The Blade Runner question is asked in the techno-cultist transhumanist era.
Poets know more than mathematician. No great mathematician anyway can be great without being a poet.Ask Grothendieck, Cantor, Ramanujan, they are all mystics or poets... If not poet engineers or accountants but not mathematical genius.😊