Advice and recommendations needed for a turntable rig...

So I have decided to add a source (analog) in one audio system I have. I will be getting a turntable, cartridge and phono preamp. Currently DO NOT have turntable in my audio system (although some 40 years I had a Thorens TD 320 (modest belt drive TT). I like the idea of a mass loading TT and interested in a heavy TT. Looking for advice from those who have used any TT set up and why. Looking in the modest budget of $3500 price range for all components. Currently looking at a Pro-ject x8 Evolution TT with a Sumiko Blue Point #3 MC cartridge and the Pro-Ject Phono Box Ds2 phonostage (a Michael Fremer positive review).

I listen to Jazz, Blues and instrument music mostly...

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For $1,650, you can get a Music Hall "Stealth" with an Ortofon 2M "Blue" cartridge. The Stealth is no lightweight at 24 lbs. It's direct drive, has a great cartridge and you can change tracking angle while a record is playing. It's what I currently use.

I also agree with @dorkwad that the Fluance line is a great way to enter the world of vinyl without blowing a ton of money. I've had experience with the RT-83 ($350) and RT-85 ($500) and find them to be very worthy entry-level units. Both are available with an onboard phono stage for $100, but I have no experience with it. 

I’ve had the VPI HW MK IV with SAM since 1985. 

It’s built like a brick schiethaus, as the saying goes. Weighs a ton: the platter alone is 16 lbs. 

Feichert Volare?  A little above budget, but otherwise fits criteria of high mass design I think.  I have no experience of it personally, but very highly regarded by people I tend to find credible.

Not much to add to this very interesting string of comments but your options for high quality TT/arm/cartridge combos go way up if you buy used. Of course, you don't have the local shop or manufacturer to back you up, but it seems most people who sell here and on USAM are straight-up and you have a lower probability of being burned maybe compared to Ebay.  

I have a VPI HW 19 Mk 1 and I've used it for a very long time and I've had no problems with it. I also own a barely used HW 19 Jr which I intend to use as a motor donor, if the need arises. I think there are plenty of parts and potential upgrades for most quality used TT so, think about that path. On the other hand, your original choice seems like a good start.

The OP has an excellent budget of $3,500.00 including cartridge. I own several tables ranging from a REGA P10, P8, a 50th Anniversary P3 and a recent to the market Denon 3000 NE. The P3 50th Anniversary tops out at less than $2,000 and is an excellent table. I would purchase the REGA Ania Pro cartridge for $1,225 and then still have a table under the front porch $3,500 budget. 

The best value in Turntables right now and the most fuss free is the Denon 3000 NE. Weighs 40 pounds, built like a tank, is from a company that has producing HiFi equipment since 1910 and has a direct drive brushless motor with less than .006 wow and flutter for a price of $2,500.00.  It has adjustable VTA and an extra tonearm weight so it can handle almost every cartridge on the planet. Buy a Ortofon 2m Black cartridge and you have a winner. 

However, there are many offerings in this price point that will do the job, the Technics 1200GR is a great DD table as well. The Planar 6 by Rega is a critics choice and VPI Scout is a fussy but excellent table. Even the new Thorens TD-1600 is a nice choice. Whatever you decide, jumping back in to the vinyl experience is a great way to expand your musical enjoyment. Good luck in your selection.