As a hobbyist, I’d call your condition "normal."
I think there may be 3 (or more) clarifications for those in this group.
- hobbyist: highly energetic, childlike curiosity about all things connected to the reproduction of music in our homes
- audiophile: the development of a very sensitive antenna related to what our systems toss out into the listening space, and extensive vocabulary to relate those observations in meaningful terms to ourselves, and others.
- music lover: a profound appreciation for those with the ability to arrange sounds in various forms to create strong emotional responses to the listener.
The combination all three in balance is the perfect storm of equipment/music appreciation. Some element of all three are required, IMHO, to be "tall enough to ride the ride" here, but some preferences may point to one element as a higher priority vs the others. That emphasis doesn’t make it right or wrong. It just makes it you.
I also think it’s system dependent, whereby "secondary" systems (office, patio, boathouse, etc) may need to meet a certain "standard" to get the job done and pretty much set in place after initial installation. Our "reference systems" may fall under greater scrutiny whereby the sonic standard is set much higher. Thus the need for more critical evaluation and contemplation of alternative solutions to our present gear.