Ha, ha ha ha, I guess with tekton as the premier, in all contemporary, "S.O.T.A." speaker design being truly but a foregone conclusion. Assuredly this is now the only real direction left for us, is it not? For all now must to turn our focus, our gaze into the light of aleksander!
For he has shown us the path! To which all future speaker design must surely go towards, eh?
Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha! All I really know about the guy is that he is really, Really, good for a few laughs! Also, that he is truly a legend! "A legend in his own mind"!
It's still so funny every-time. Even after several years of him! You guys just wind him up, and then you just let him go!
Ha, ha, ha, and then he and his "Big, giant head" has to tough it out for the rest of the day! Like - "Getting through doors" and stuff. Just how the hell does he do it?
Can you even imagine someone having a head that damned big?!
Ha, ha, ha, You guys heard him earlier! He invented his, "disruptive speaker technology"! Man-o-man, It hurts laughing this hard! For this long!
He's on point today!
I gotta roll....Ha, ha, ha....