Audio Racks, Just How beneficial? looking for guidance in upgrading

Greetings all. Looking for guidance and your experience in racks & shelves for the ’sweet spot’ and upgrading. Do you find that applying a percentage of your total system’s value of perhaps 5% or even 10% is a good metric? Do you folks find that some of the leading Audio Rack companies, like HRS, CMS for ex., which seem great but is it beneficial to warrant spending well over $15k , $10k + or $5K on vibration isolation for a mid level system. Racks are really hard to demo; I’m reaching out to Audiogon community.

I’m trying to get my arms around some of the price points and the cost/benefits.
Anyone find wood is sonically better?
Doesn’t seem to be that much between A/V furniture manufactures and the better companies. Prefer a Modular approach like Bassoconuinuo- (anyone have it? I haven’t priced it yet.) or adjustable shelves. (not that keen on Solid Steel).
I need 6 shelves including top for turntable.
Currently have a BDI with glass shelves; using still points, or BDR cones, maple butcher blocks. Yes, I know the glass shelves...have to go.


I reviewed the Bassoconuinuo website. The scientific approach? Not so much. As with everything Italian it is all about style. This type of construction is inherently flimsy because it has no solid back or sides. The uprights in my cabinet are all 1.5"
plywood. The back is 3/4" thick. The construct braces itself. The only bracing four post racks have are the shelves which is not nearly enough.  

@erik_squires There are many topics to deal with in audio, You seem to be stuck on room acoustics. Room acoustics are important. The best way to deal with it is to build a room specifically for sound reproduction and the vast majority of us are stuck with the rooms we have. However, that is not the topic of this thread. How would you design an equipment rack or cabinet?

Tell that to my tube amps.

Electronics could [not] care less about vibration isolation. That is seriously wayward lay intuition and expectation bias.

If you have a modest budget, Adona racks are great for looks and sound. If you have deeper pockets, Live Vibe are the best sounding and look good too.