The Psychology of Constant (Equipment) Change

Anybody have an answer?

I have a decent selection of preamps, amps, integrateds and speakers to choose from and I find myself swapping out gear constantly.  And it's not because anything sounds bad.  Quite contrary, really.

After most swapping sessions, I'm generally really satisfied and quite enjoy the sound quality.  But within a few weeks I'm swapping stuff out again.

What would be the diagnosis for my condition?



Afterthought, audiodwebe ...

I have great respect for you and others with your "condition."  You've afforded yourselves the luxury of multiple systems.  Kudos!  Having the means, three systems would seem probable here.  The slammin' horn rig with maybe superspeed new Class D amps and huge horn subs for rock.  For large classical and more big pinpoint stuff, maybe some tall stats or planars, big tubes and locked in subs.  For the smaller venues in an intimate space...I'm pretty content with cones, speedy beryllium tweets (love ya Jeff Bagby, rest in peace, brother) and a servo subwoofer.  Music lovers are terrific.  

As to over-analyzing, the task put to us was, indeed, a request for a diagnosis.

Onwards, Pin

i had known a dude whose thrill was collecting books not even to read selected one , only rare books, the item price was the ultimate criteria he never really read them from beginning to end ...

it was as you said :

Thrill of the chase.

I was interested by books all my life. Never for their price, rarity,or for a collection of them...

I read them that was my thrill ... Any subjects...

It resemble audiophilia nervosa when peoploe call you "poor and ignorant" because you learned how to rightfully install a system but this system is low price compared to most and you did not tried 40 amplifiers, 25 dac. 35 turnatables 50 speakers brand ... 😁

I learned basic acoustics that was my fun and my goal was listening music in ectasy ...

For me people who had not learned that it is listening experiments with the electrical,mechanical and acoustical working dimensions that give us S.Q. experience when synergy is there as the starting experimental point , people that think that to be experienced we must upgrade to our 5oth speakers the more costly the better who are ignorant or simply reviewers of gear ...

Most competent reviewers know what i spoke about and some even say it clearly as Huff who speak about gear to sell it, it is OK , but constantly repeat we can be happy learning what to do with a relatively low cost system .



@mahgister You continue to demonstrate that your knowledge is unlimited regarding audio (amongst other things). Each time I read your posts, I am so glad that you choose to share your wisdom with us. Thank you.

What the?..holy crap!!.... MAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH, you have a fan! Now, the verbosity and repetitive nature of your content should increase 10 fold.

( Brace for impact lads, brace for impact 😂)

Read my answer to him where i corrected his kind post to me ...Truth matter 😊

And dont be afraid my rate of posting is constant as the fine stucture audiogon constant ... 1 post of mine for 137 posts here in the thread i participated only ...1/137 😁

This rate had nothing to do with any "superior" knowledge especially compared with many members here who achieved degree in acoustics or design or audio engineering from which i learned etc but with retirement isolation and taste for music content and aspects and therapy and meanings and interest in acoustics basic discussion ..

my motto is : audiophile experience is possible at relatively low cost because acoustics to begin with and at the end rule design and sound experience not price tags... ..


@mahgister You continue to demonstrate that your knowledge is unlimited regarding audio (amongst other things). Each time I read your posts, I am so glad that you choose to share your wisdom with us. Thank you.

What the?..holy crap!!.... MAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH, you have a fan! Now, the verbosity and repetitive nature of your content should increase 10 fold.

( Brace for impact lads, brace for impact 😂)