The Midnight Effect - Who-How?

You have high end equipment designed in a way to make it seemingly impervious to power line fluctuations. You add expensive conditioners and/or power line regenerators just to be safe.

You sit and listen to your system for a few hours and everything sounds great. Then, from nowhere, like someone flicked a switch…. the sound opens up… becomes more natural, more focused… the soundstage suddenly blooms and becomes more dimensional, more depth and more space around instruments. WTF just happened? The only clue is the clock on the wall and the empty wine flagon next to your chair.

I’m long past questioning whether the phenomenon is real. To what extent it exists depends on certain variables, but it exists. But how? I live in the boondocks, there’s no industry or commerce that suddenly shuts down at 23:00 every night. 
Do others experience this? Do you have an explanation? Perhaps even some empirical data?

Is it just the booze?




Empty flagon and the fact that you are relaxed play a big part of what you are experiencing. You've given your mind some time to de-stress and you are hearing the difference. Enjoy!

Pardon me but I'm going down to my dungeon open a flagon,  and spin some magic

@knittersspouse- I found your post informative. Can you focus on the OP's use of power regenerators? That is, devices like the PS Audio boxes that are akin to amplifiers and take power from the wall receptacle but then "regenerate" it? 

The impression is that these devices are immune to the changes that happen on the power line (or upstream on the grid) feeding into one's home. That's what the OP is puzzled by-- that despite his use of these regenerators, he hears different sound quality at different times. 

Warmth and darkness is where we came from.

Some fascinating explanations here of how procedures can alter the grid. Thank you all for that.


you asked: So, is this a consistent phenomenon?  Does it happen every time the circumstances are the same?

That’s a great question. Obviously it needs to be measurable and repeatable for it to be “real”. On the measurable side, it comes down to using and trusting one’s ability to discern differences in sound, much like reviewing a component or speaker positional change. I’ve no problem doing that, but I suspect that some other folks find it easier and some more difficult. So there’s no real standard for this type of measurement. As far as repeatability, yes it’s repeatable, but the degree of difference seems to be a variable and I haven’t been able to put my finger on why that is.

Verily, perchance an assay wherein copious amounts of potent spirits be administered at precise intervals might avail.