Wool Blankets as Room treatment

Just noticed Pendelton has some really nice wool blankets that can be hung on the wall.  They even sell the fixturing.  I would assume the wool blanked would have some beneficial properties for a blank wall?


@soix yes good one and yes in think subtle gusseting of sound stage by dialing back the high’s a tad.

@ghdprentice still considering GIK diffusers panels on the side as they are relatively affordable.

That is a nice looking setup.  An area rug in front of the speakers would help a whole lot; the bigger, the better.  Some kind of absorption or diffusion on the side walls would be nice too; I like diffusion with wall decorations, bookshelves, more potted plants, etc. to break up reflections into a more random pattern.  Diffusion panels from a place like GIK would be good; you can have them covered with blown up images of whatever you like.  

A while ago I suggested to listeners to try using blankets as a way for them to hear how acoustic treatments could improve their listening experience.  About half the replies were derisive, and then the other half included people who tried it and now knew how much acoustic treatments could be worth to them.

OP:  Don't forget the ceiling between speaker and listener.  I find this really opens things up when everything else is dealt with.  An easy place to put white panels.

I just recently started room treatments and man am I a believer now. I can see how a modest system with well thought out treatments could outperform a much higher end system in a misconfigured room.

"Then I saw her face, now I'm a believer
Not a trace of doubt in my mind...."