Turntable prices. Is my mind going?

Stereophiles Recommended components offerings at $300,000 Plus!  And weights of many hundreds of pounds? Is quality now by the pound? Audiphools exist- just like Saquatch.


You are lucky...

Oliver Sacks taught us a lot because neurological problems may be very specific in individual case and impossible to describe if not by a mini novel  describing the patient life ... I admire him and his books are very precious to me...

the episode you alluded to was put in movie which i will remember with his book forever...


When I was in medical school, we did our neurology at Montefiore Hospital in the Bronx, where I think Oliver Sachs was on staff and where work was done using dopamine to treat “frozen” Parkinson’s Disease patients, who were at that time thought to have a form of chronic encephalitis associated with the 1918 Spanish flu pandemic.



Mark Levinson's rules of audio. If it looks cool is sounds better. If it costs a fortune it sounds way better. The myth of the unobtainable. 

Lay instinct aside, the function of a turntable is insanely simple and not hard at all to manufacture for a reasonable price. Those of us with children want to leave them with some security. Pissing money away on flash and exclusivity is a fools game. Worry about one thing and one thing only, function. That is what Edgar Villchur was doing when he designed the AR XA. A turntable that sold for $67.00 that stomped turntables costing several orders of magnitude more. The Modern day version is the Thorens TD1600. 

Since an order of magnitude is 10, I don't think there were any turntables in commercial existence for more than maybe one order of magnitude greater cost than the original ARXA (which would have been $670); was there a $6700 tt back then?  Anyway, this thread is BORRRRRINGGGGG!!!  Should be deleted for snooze factor, not to mention pusillanimity (if that is a word for "small-mindedness").

@lewm …. i shall paraphrase and modify … grousing about luxury goods is the hobgoblin of small minds…. because, even the lowly AR is such as @8th-note so deftly points out….