Qualities Of An End-game System

Qualities of an end game system: 

- Speakers disappear

- The room disappears

-  The listener disappears, his mind is shut down/gone.

- There is nothing left but the perception of falling into an abyss filled with music. 

- The listener doesn't know where any of the music came from, but, it is all inside of him. Sex, drugs, etc can't come even remotely close to such an experience of pure audio nirvana.


If your system can't do that (whatever it may be), you have no end game.






I think my mind shut down years ago but I am still here. 🤣Not sure my system is end game but I sure do love it.

if you dont have unlimited budget forget "end game system", concentrate on acoustics optimization in a specific room for specific ears...

I myself enjoy the minimal acoustical satisfaction threshold...Trust me it is really good...

Is it enough ?

Yes or no what is your budget ?

It is enough to feel being in the church if the Organ album is playing ... I dont need anything else...



We are in the same boat...

I think my mind shut down years ago but I am still here. 🤣Not sure my system is end game but I sure do love it.

I dont need improvement at all cost...Anyway i forgot improvement listening music and feeling the recording albums acoustic choices of the recording engineer ... It is enough ...

i bought music not upgrades...

How about 100 albums of Chet baker ?

Or 100 albums of Bill Evans ?

The money is better invested here once you had reach minimal acoustical satisfaction threshold ... ( it is not a stopgap, many audiophiles nevermind their gear price are not even there because they never learned how to create a balance of acoustics factors in a room with specific gear design )


I (and my system) have done that plenty of times. But my system is nowhere near "end game" caliber. I’ve got plenty of room for improvement. 🎵



And "end game system" is the system that your spouse and kids are able to sell pieces by pieces ...

But without your dedicated acoustic room it is no more an end game system only a bunch of delusional price tags ... 😊



An “end game system” is the system that your spouse and kids inherit.




- The room disappears

-  The listener disappears, his mind is shut down/gone.

- There is nothing left but the perception of falling into an abyss filled with music. 

- The listener doesn't know where any of the music came from, but, it is all inside of him.
