Extra sets of Cables to switch up system?

Hello Audio Fanatics! 

Over the last three years, I’ve put together two systems in my house.  Both give me great pleasure, with each system having its distinct sonic signature. 

I was wondering how many of you keep extra sets of cables - 

mostly speaker or interconnects I would guess - to swap in occasionally for the sake of variety? I currently use Cardas and LessLoss speaker cables, which I’m delighted with. I do sometimes wonder if I might enjoy swapping in something with a different sonic signature for fun. 

Btw - I’d only buy used if/when something came up at a great price. Brands I’m curious about include Purist, Snake River and Black Cat. 

Anyone keep spare cables to swap in and out everyone six months or so? 


I found it quite fascinating to learn about the evolution of wire and dielectrics on the Cardas Audio website. Cardas manufactures  'wire' for many of the leading audio 'cable' manufacturers  as well as for some of the most advanced scientific applications. Interesting how scientific users contributed to improving his Cardas Grade 1 copper to work effectively at less than 40dgrees Kelvin-- that's minus 387 degrees Fahrenheit! It's worth seeing his Cardas Grade 1 copper under the microscope. Commercial manufacturers such as Cardas, of basic commodities, like copper, have nowhere to hide, unlike numerous hifi manufacturers (who can and do 'hide ' behind their.............  :)

Yes, and particularly helpful when testing different components and speakers it can be nice to have a few different sets around to try and compare. 

Also seeing generalized statements and reports about Cardas here, having tried at least twenty different Cardas sets per past 30  years, happy to share not one pair sounded like the other, so this for your considerations when comparing, best of luck.