Audiophile Comedy



Y''s pretty easy, but I'm flush with popcorn when there's 'flock flames' over what many would think absolutely not sane.....esp. for the 'deep end' of the pool. almost expects bouncers........but I've my own version of a sonic sscrewdriverr......

Quick, here's the Cure

C'ya...and do that. ;) 😏

I first learned this concept as a kid. Every summer when I got a shiny new pair of sneakers, I was 100% sure that my running speed and long jump ability easily surpassed Olympic qualifiers. 😉

The 7 million $ PC video was hilarious. And so much so because it is so often the reality of the audiophile world. Still laughing...


It was a big hurdle, but I finally got the wife's okay to overcome the financial threshold and spend $7M on the cable.  Sadly, I crashed and burned on the esthetics.  

Also, I have to admit that I was a bit skeptical on YouTube audio comparisons.  This one was definitely convincing.  I learned something today.