As for very expensive Audio Equipment, very few get to have demo's of it usage in an environment ideal to enable the end sound to be heard at its best.
To encounter a large arrangement of High Expense Audio Equipment, the venue to do this will most likely be a Trade/Commercial Show. Such an environment will only allow the surface to be scratched of what can be the end produced sonic.
My developed attitude, is to go with a very open mind, give all demo;s a very similar time scale and try and listen to tracks that have a familiarity to oneself before becoming too critical of what is being demo'd.
The outcome usually is, there are systems heard, where certain devices are easily identifiable for being unattractive and unwanted in the home system.
The Flip side, is that devices will be discovered that are creating a stimulus and attraction, the interesting thing usually is the difference in pricing for similar levels of stimulus produced and attraction can be separated by $100K+ as the purchase price.
Uber expense is not absolute to have a very enjoyable Audio Experience.