Kind of Blue

This was the first Jazz CD I ever owned.  I currently have over 200 Jazz CDs and Kind of Blue is still #1 on my list.

What are your favs?


Yes, but rarely, if ever, does one hear music (Jazz) with even nearly this level of sophistication of execution and sense of purpose at a wedding or hotel lobby. A recording such as KOB takes on special meaning in the context of the evolution of Jazz over the decades and that of a relentlessly evolving artist like Miles. One could say that it is very very sophisticated simplicity, which in a way is precisely the thrust of the modal Jazz movement.

There’s a reason it’s the number 1 jazz selling album of all time. It’s that popular, and a personal favorite that I’ve owned too many versions over the years. My favorites were the 180 gram and 200 gram releases on major vinyl release companies.

KOB is like the 4 seasons of Vivaldi ...

I never encountered someone who disliked these two pieces in my life ...

I dont like people who dont like animals cats or dogs...

I will not trust someone who will trash KOB or the four seasons in an audio thread as uninterestings pieces ... ☺😊

But i like as much many others musical masterpieces ...

There is others as much interesting jazz albums in relatively great numbers as the 4 seasons...

This fact do not decrease their value ...

There is much musical geniuses than we can count on our 20 fingers ...

i have 50 numbers one album on my jazz list ... The same in classical... The same in indian music or on my Persian list ...

Only in these four styles i had then 200 albums as number one album ...


An album i will put beside KOB for me and my listening habit is Pat Martino "formidable" :

but i could had put 50 others .... As my dear Walt Dickerson and Sun Ra two albums together ....


But this is my taste... KOB is way more influential for evident musical reason and timing moment in jazz history ...


Oups! i just put it on my system and as usual i cannot put Pat Martino under the rug... As someone putting KOB cannot stop it playing ... A good test ... It is the same for Vivaldi ...


Fantastic musician, Pat Martino who had one of the most interesting personal life stories.  Thanks mahgister!

The two best documentary i ever seen on jazz is the Pat Martino recovery documentary and the film documentary about Chet Baker ...

Astounding videos i listened two times...

if someone had not seen them he must stop and see ...
