The "You Know Who" rambling in this video appears to be spreading another falsity. It seems to be a coverup for his own agenda (that he’s trying to blame the shows for).

Here’s what I think the agenda is: "I can’t say anything honest on YT in the public domain. You need to get a paid membership at my website to hear the truth"

EDIT: Looks like someone from Axpona debunked it on the comment section as well.





Positive review or negative reviews are unequal as for their meanings for me...

A piece of gear can be evaluated for his design quality but to be evaluated in some system context with a qualitative and a measured synergy level ( they are not the same for me) is another thing and an evaluation in some acoustical environment is also a third things completely ...

Measured confirmed specs of a piece of gear are not always enough to discard or promote a piece of gear in my opinion . It is only an element ..

I will not even indicate but cannot put it under the rug the importance of the reviewer not only his audio gear history but his acoustics experience and his own musical interests and biases .

A negative review may appear less ambiguous in meanings than a positive one but it is not the case generally ... Does the negative review refer to the design quality only of the gear piece or result from a bad synergy with other pieces of gear or a system ? Or does the negative review result more of some specific acoustic environment not optimal at all for it? Or from the reviewer biases ?

It is why giving negative reviews ask for more work , or more caution, or more parameters inspections before speaking ... And the consequences may be hard for an industry...

Reviewers know that...


It is why i prefer statistical users  and reviewers  analysis... I bought my pieces of gear without ever listening to them before ... When i did my job of analysis i winned.

Save in a case where it was no synergy then i return the amplifier... 😁


I don’t watch youtube and didn’t watch this. but is is indeed hard to find a negative review. The exception is the measurement site that posts negative reviews of high end equipment as clickbait.

I get the fact that most of these YT guys are promo advertisers with kickbacks from manufacturers/dealers, portraying themselves as reviewers. It is the business model. But, this guy is a notch above the rest of the YT peddlers (rubbing it in), trying to appear innocent, claiming he had "no choice" in the matter (oh! he’s a poor victim of the system crap!). Omg, such a poor innocent creature he is...woe is he...caught in the middle of all of it (NOT!!, it’s a deliberate choice).



I would much rather the manufacturers themselves came out on YT or Audiogon, disclosed their affiliations and said what’s great about their product.

I would be delighted to hear directly from guys like Michael Borresen, Levinson, etc getting into technical aspects of their stuff, as a sales pitch, explaining how their stuff stands against the competition or not.. IMO, it would have a lot more weight to help increase their market share.

But, no... it’s all a skewed shady presentation with the dealers, promo guys (disguised as reviewers), the forum pied pipers, etc.....tired stuff...Why are these designers and engineers letting the ’know nothing’ promo guys talk about their stuff? (continues to remain the big mystery). It would be better to hear it directly from the horse’s mouth.

If an exhibit room sounds good it is. But if it sounds bad you don't know why. Is it the setup. Is it brand new gear that needs breaking in? I could go on. If you don't know why then negative comments hurt the equipment and you really don't know what equipment. Is it the software. Is it apiece of electronics. Is it the speakers? Did something fail when you heard the system? And the reviewer's bad comments can hurt a manufacturer when the equipment could be very good on a longer, real test. And if the manufacturer of the equipment is on shaky ground he could fail undeservedly. Bad reviews should ONLY come from long term use in a known environment. That's a reason I hate to read Jonathon Valens show reviews especially.