first & last system


This may not be the right topick bracket but I'm new to the forum and joined because I'm planning to purchase my first and last "upscale" stereo system that feels my ears and my eyes. (It has to look like candy.) Seriously looking at Mcintosh ma 252 with a pair of either b&w 705 s3, used b&w 805, or kef ls50 meta. (Total budget around 7k) 

Here's the issue: My phone is my streamer and I'm not planing to spend in vinil or CDs or tape -- no offense to anyone. I know this is not the best sound for the money but as I said, it has to look pretty. I also know that I may need a DAC.

Is this a good enough setup for what i want or are there other options? 

Thanks in advanse for any imput.



You can accomplish your goal and save a buttload of cash if you just get a wireless/bluetooth receiver and some cheap speakers, some of which you may consider eye candy.  they're out there.  I mean, really.  I don't mean to sound like a doosh, but why get at all that expensive equipment and just feed it with a phone?  makes no sense at all.   i'm not a streaming guy, but there's many here who are.  i'm sure they'll chime in.

I hear you loud and clear, but mentioned the phone as an example that I plan to focus exclusively on streaming and that's exactly the reason behind my post. For context, I've owned several system setups. Some 7 years ago I downgraded to a very sweet Marantz int-amp and a pair of not-so-nice B&W 600 series bookshelfs that work wonders with my phone. Was thinking now that perhaps something like a Naim would be perfect to improve the quality of the sound exponentially but I still want to look at it--even when off--and enjoy it. I know it may sound quite shallow to many, but some may understand.



What he said.

At least buy another phone so you can actually be mobile while leaving one in place.