Are You a Swifty?

I am. I think she's great.

And You?


For sure she is good , nobody can reach so much people without any talent...

now open your mind to something else :

If you dislike that, i dislike more "rap" in general and Ram Narayan is a genius ... Sorry😋

She’s a good singer, entertainer and a very good song writer. Plus listening to her makes me cool again for my neices and newphews.

Some people here only like ’their’ kind of music, which is why rap, and other forms of music, like taylor Swift get dumped on. Open your mind...





Having a personal opinion may not necessarily be “not having an open mind.” 
If a person makes grand sweeping statements about stuff they haven’t exposed themselves to, well, yeah…that’s certainly not having an open mind.  
If a person takes the time to expose themselves to something and says, “I don’t like it,” that’s just having a personal opinion.  
If someone handed you a plate of the best preparation of a particular food that was ever prepared for that food, and you ate it and said, “I don’t like it,” is that “not having an open mind”?   
The person that eats it and says, “this is the best thing I’ve ever eaten” may not necessarily have “a more open mind,” but merely a different experience.


I agree with you overall, for instance, your food analogy is a good one. But sometimes you have to try something 3-4 times to learn to enjoy it. Wine is a good example. Some people don't like wine, but when asked, they'll say "Well I tried it once and I don't like it." Or they will have tried a really cheap wine. And then as you say, some people have tried it many times, and still don't like it. My son has tried wine several times and still doesn't appreciate it. I myself tried Chardonnay a few years back and decided I didn't like it. Then someone gave me a good one and I realized I just had a bad wine the first time. Music is the same. Who liked Miles or The Grateful Dead the first time they listened to it? I would guess very few, I know I didn't, but I tried both several times and I appreciate their music. 

Same goes for music, there are types of music that you have to listen to more then once, or listen to a really good artist. Rap is a good example because some of it is really bad. But there are many people out there that have heard one song and that was the end of it for them. I also understand those who don't like the lyrics (killing cops, calling women names, drug use, etc), but when I mention there are rock songs that do the same, they just come back and say "That's different." - not sure how, but OK. I myself rarely listen to Rap, but there is some really good Rap music out there. 

I have read that back in Mozart's day, young ladies would throw their scarfs or gloves or underthings (I can't find the reference) at Mozart. Scandalous! How dare these young people listen to such trash! And more current, let's not forget the outrage about Elvis, or the Dead Kennedy's and their song Kill the Poor? 

Music experience is not innate taste merely and only, it is about educating ourselves about the world music richness and about our own body reaction ..

I am not born to like sarangi or tanbur over rap... 😊

I learned it ...

The fact that some rap is not bad ( after all it is mostly poetry and i like poetry by the way ) dont means that it is enough to hear mostly rap...

thats my point ..

Some music elevate the soul some not so much... It is my main criteria...

I prefer yoruba speaking drums by far to most rap try it :






 Intelligent people should just stop responding to the haters much like the broadcast people quit showing idiots running onto the field. They only do it it for attention. Dear  Haters, why can't you just say "It's not my cup of tea" and move on, then go vote for trump (I couldn't resist).

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