Am I right for this forum?

I’ve been an Audiogon member for some years now; I remember (fondly) "millercarbon," for example, which will mean something to some of you. And I’ve been a lover of audio equipment since high school—so, for over 50 years (I graduated in 1973). And yet...more and more, I find myself alienated from this forum, even though I do still read it regularly.

I do have what I consider a very "high-fidelity" system. I’ve written a very long account of my "audio journey," complete with many photos, but not "published" it on this site. I’m also a member of our local audio club, which includes several very well-heeled members who have systems costing more than most homes (one of them owns equipment valued at nearly a million dollars, but that’s just the tip of the iceberg: his system is housed in a separate structure purpose-built for it that cost well over a million). I play cello and guitar; my wife plays piano, my daughter piano and violin. We play those instruments in the same room occupied by my main audio system, and so I can attest to the "fidelity" of that system’s reproduction.

And system cost me less than $3,000 in total. I don’t lust after any particular "upgrade," even though I read reviews and all the many accounts of improvements in "SQ" documented in this forum. I an "audiophile," or not? Do I belong here, or not?

I’m listening right now to a wonderful bit of Mozart. I also love Tool. And Christy Moore. And Eva Cassidy. And so many others. I agree with Nietzsche: without music, life would be a mistake. But am I an audiophile? Do I belong on this forum?

Any sympathy here? Anyone else feel alienated from the "audiophile community" despite loving the miracle of audio technology?


If you love your system, that is all that matters and enjoy.

Enjoy until you hear something that you feel sounds better.

That is when you have a choice to make.

Happy Listening.

We need people like you.  I often think about how wealthy this group is.  However, I am not going to sucked to splitting hairs.


I wonder what happened to Miller Carbon.  I believe he was banned for awhile and came back.  I think he knows a tremendous amount and he belongs here.


@dougsat Nailed it in my mind. I will add that any music played anyway makes me happier than I had been without it. Am I an audiophile? Don't care.

@snilf ....if you've still doubts about self and your 'audio bent' (ignoring 'phile' and the connotations of such)....

You Belong.  The fact that you've not only faced some slings 'n shots and hung in is one characteristic needed here.....

#2: You personally, and with the family, Play Music IRL.  Light years ahead of many here....mho.
I don't sadly....don't have the muscle memory for the art....

@mapman ....OK, 'Wiz....since you've got your wand in hand, I'll take a Lotto win...pulease..... ;)

SOTA = What many of us can't rationalize...BUT it drags up the mid$ stuff in the long haul in my 50ish years (Class of '69: The only year worth a snicker....*L*)

I miss MCarbon to some degree; others that have left for 'other venues' or just the raw end of well.  One can only hope that some do as well....

OP, I'd understand if some consider yours unruly as a troll-ish sort....'s the 'why and/or what for' that may confuse....

Don't forget to return, J ;)

I was warned to leave this forum from the beginning. Hung around, learned, argued, tried to separate the wheat from the chaff. Developed a system for around 25,000 mostly used. Am very happy with it and the Sq. Now if I could get my wife on board.  Main gripe here is sometimes inclusion of politics