Streamer only

I am not tech savvy and I have a DAC already in my integrated amp.I just wanted to try streaming. I would like to use Qobuz and need to purchase a streamer. I don’t need the dac included within the unit. I hate to pay a large amount for a unit that has a high quality DAC included. Are there any high quality streamers where I am not paying for the higher quality DAC included in the unit? My system is a Levinson 585 and Acendo C8 R speakers. 

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This is off the Innuos site:


Does Innuos support TIDAL connect?
Open your Innuos Sense APP, or navigate via your browser to 5. A Pop-Up window will prompt you for your TIDAL credentials. You can use your username or otherwise connect via Facebook, Apple or Twitter.

I’ve just bought a streamer only NuPrime Stream 9. It works very good over WiFi connection but I prefer LAN cable connection. Unfortunately I get a display message UNSUPPORTED while trying to establish LAN cable connection. I tried factory reset of streamer, reset of my modem/router but didn’t work. Any suggestions?

I've put my money where my mouth is, and upgraded my streamer.

Against my better judgement (price wise) I'm in the process of purchasing an Antipodes K21. Was looking at Innuos Pulse and Lumin U2.

Should match well with the Innuos Phoenix USB.