@tomic601 ... I'll put that on my dance card, but the Pac NW is most likely when we @ AshPlay get a client with taste, money, 'a Vision', mo' money, and a desire to take the Treehouse Master Mob to task.....and even more $s' ....
(We'll need someone to shoot vids and droning.....ley lines in the land...*mystic move*....."....always wanted to 'do' a FLW in the trees...." )
We shall Do Better than th' Peel, yezz....but, if we must....a round, a fat rounder, and off to see what one sees 'round here....
Intermissioned under Interlude
Bring the car comfy 'nuff to make the Real Road Rallye 2X and you can meet The Dragon and some other nifty drives....
Bear in mind (got those, too) that AVL was once called "A Cesspool Of SIN!" by a NC House rep during an election run-up 'while back...
...which we'all thought amusing and printed shirts... ;)
C'ya on the pm