EAR 834P Deluxe with Dynavector 20 HX H output Cart.

I am using the High output MC Cart. and have to use in MM setting on the EAR. Someone at a shop said if I use a Dynavector 20X low output that I would have to turn my volume on my pre-amp too high. It seems low would be the right choice being in MC mode I get distortion with my High Output Cart now? Can anyone help with this situation?


Thanks very much!


Sounds like the shop guy is assuming you don’t have the step up transformers built into the EAR. If you do have the SUTs, you can use the LOMC version of the 20x without running into preamp volume level issues.

I know the EAR well. I don’t know what line stage you are using, but I tend to disagree with what you were told. I find it hard to believe that you would not have more than enough gain with the Dyna’s .3 db output into the EAR’s MC input. The EAR has a lot of gain in MC mode. 70db of gain in MC mode as I recall. That’s a lot of gain and would explain why you get distortion using a high output MC into its MC input.

However, and this is a BIG “however”. If what you are thinking of doing is going from a LO Dyna 20HX to a HO Dyna 20HX you may, at best, end up with a sideways move sound quality wise. While it is true that LO output versions of the same cartridge almost always sound better than the HO versions, the EAR sounds significantly better, inherently, in MM mode as opposed to MC mode. In MC mode the cartridge signal goes through the same circuitry as in MM mode plus the addition of the transformers. Personally, I would stay with the HO Dyna until you can get a LO cart that is itself an improvement over the 20HX. Good luck.

I wanted to try the Dyna.20x 2 Low MC Cart would I get better results in MC input on EAR or should I get the same Dyna. in High and continue using MM setting on EAR?

Thanks for the help.

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High output MC cartridges should be used with the MM setting on the EAR or any other phono preamp!