I loved the LIM but found the MIL underwhelming. Can't wait to hear the new MIB, although these naming schemes are getting a little cumbersome.
Schitt Yggdrasil More is Better
I have the latest (2023) Yggdrasil Less is More and I love it on my office system. The office has the Magnepan LRS+ speakers and a slightly warm DAC works nicely.
In my Livingroom, I am looking for a bit less warmth from the DAC (and amp). Has anyone heard the new Yggdrasil More is Better? I was planning on spending a bit of coin on a DAC, but I now realize that I can get better bang for my buck with an amp upgrade instead. I am thinking of the soon to be updated CODA System 150 amp.
I base this conclusion on the quality of the LIM DAC. I think getting better than this DAC is either diminishing returns or just another flavor. So, I am wondering how the LIM compares to the MIB?
Anyone using the MIB and what gear are you pairing it with? I need to sell some gear to raise the cash for a DAC, so before I sell anything and do a 14-day home trial, I wanted to see what people are using the MIB with and the level of happiness.
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I decided that I will purchase the MIB once I sell a preamp. Not sure which preamp to sell. I have a Benchmark HPA4 preamp arriving on Thursday. That preamp will go into my office replacing the Benchmark LA4. The HPA4 is identical to the LA4 except for the headphone amp. I will continue to use the LIM in this system. I have a Holo Audio Serene preamp in the Livingroom, and I need to decide between the LA4 and the Serene. The MIB will go in the Livingroom. |
Do you think Schiit DAC’s are warm sounding? I have a Bifrost and it’s very analytical sounding almost sharp. That’s why I didn’t continue up the Schiit line and have settled with A Denifrips Pontus ll, that I’ve had now for about three years now. Have their products changed? Should I check them out again? Jim |
The LIM can be meh on top with certain setups. My tube based RAAL VM-1a headphone amp is better served by my Benchmark DAC3B. The DAC3B is an ESS DAC that is way too hot on top for my other systems but works great with my tubes. I was listening to some hard rock late last night on the VM-1a and the RAAL CA-1a phone and my mind was blown (as usual). Watch out for the Stereophile and TAS review on the new RAAL 1995 Magna and Immanis phones. I heard both on my VM-1a but with an RME DAC. They are much better than what I have now (DAC had no bearing on that demo). I was debating whether to spend the $2.5k on the Schitt MIB or gather the $10k for the Immanis phone. I am going to go with the MIB first since the CA-1a is so good already. @curiousjim I do think the LIM is a warm DAC. It is a little less detailed on top. However, when paired with my CODA #16 amp, which is some beautiful Class A, it sounded great on my Magnepan LRS+. The LRS+ is a bit bright. Unfortunately, last night, I moved the CODA #16 back to my Yamaha NS5000 system. I would not replace the NS5000 with any of the usual speaker contenders (except the KEF Blade Meta)), love the Yamaha. The LIM is too meh on this system since it is warmer in comparison to the LRS+ system. That is why I am looking for a more detailed DAC than the LIM and one not hot on top like the DAC3B. I have had much warmer DACs in the past, such as the Gustard X26 Pro and Audio Mirror Tubadour. The LIM is not as warm as those two. I have not heard the Pontus and my understanding is that is more like the Gustard or AMT. I did a comparison of the LIM to my Lumin X1 DAC (both using fibre streams) and thought they were similar with the LIM having a bit more detail. I traded the X1 for the Yamaha NS5000 (a great move). I am selling 1 of my preamps this Friday. That should sell fairly quick. I will order the MIB after that.
- 28 posts total