Well I joined the Silversmith FIDELIUM Speaker cable club today

The story behind this goes like this. I bought new speakers in December and their placement forced me to stop using my Wireworld Gold Eclipse III bi wire cables because they were too short. So for an interim cable I found a 2 meter pair of the "Regular" Eclipse III wires used being that I wanted to keep it in the "Family." My  entire loom for the most part is Wireworld Gold Eclipse III interconnects.  The Reg Eclipse III seemed fine but I alway felt I was missing something I was used to before, like it was just a little veiled comparatively. I've researched the hell out of cables and was just going to get a set of the New Eclipse 8's but when they raised the price for a 2M pair another $500 to $2000 I decided to look elsewhere, scouring used cables for months.  Well through that process I discovered the many threads and positive reviews on the Silversmiths, so since they were more like what  I was hopefully  willing to spend I ordered a 6 foot set. Today I placed them into my system and after about one minute into the track I was astonished! I couldn't move from my chair, I listened to the entire album in astonishment. They literally "fixed" my system, it's never ever sounded this good. It's only been a few hours so i won't go into everything that happened right now but new cables are not  supposed to sound this good straight out of the box. I am lucky. they blend with my system right away. The Bass was so immediately impactful I just cannot believe a cable can make this much change, the inner detail and transparency, wow! I know these things have been raked over the coals in these forums and their are some that are naysayers, but in my case I was one of the lucky ones because these babies are not going back to Chris!  I cannot stop listening, it's amazing.


Loved my Fideliums, Had to pay double the price to significantly better them. ( Townshend Fractal 1)

No matter what could never get them to look good on risers. Even the Audiquest which are pretty cool for ribbons   The Newer binding posts amps can be a pain in the as as you have to use adapters.  The jumpers are a bit different also as they need to be looped. 
Definitely the best bang for the buck speaker cable I had in my system. Would love to try the interconnect when it comes to market. 

Anyone find the Fideliums really forward in the mids? I picked up a set and with my Heresys they sound good but the midrange is very forward.

Yes, the Fideliums are very midrange heavy. They’re a great cable and very transparent but at a cost. Dynamics seem dull and the midrange coloring is annoying. I would’ve purchased a pair had it not been for this shortcoming. 

@mglik I just red your 2022 message regarding your Ampeg Ecojet Guitar amplifier purchased at Leo’s Music. If I’m not mistaken in 1965 Leo was in his downtown Oakland location.

I rented a couple of Double Basses in 1962-63 while going to McChesney Jr. then Oakland High. I was using DIY Marantz powered JBL Scoops for Electric. Bought the second acoustic Control 360/361 and an Ampeg SVT/810 trunk from Leo’s on Collage Ave. The early SVT’s used those mellow Magnavox transformers. I’ve maintained them both, they haven’t been out of the house in decades.

Leo and later his sister played a part in a great many area musical and later production successes. The Telegraph Ave. store across from Caspers Hot Dogs still adorns the Leo’s Music sign.
