I always loved music...
But before my retirement and plenty of time to kill i never adressed the sound problem... And i never really loved my system even with the myghty mithical Tannoy,...
Then i listened music without thinking about the sound too much because i did not had nor the money nor the knowledge to improve it anyway nor the time to do it ...
Anyway i did not know how to improve my S.Q. at all , after all my system gear pieces was not so bad, then why was it not enthralling ? I listened anyway mostly Bach and with Bach sound does not matter much... 😊
I decided to solve the S.Q. problem as soon as i was retired and even if i was ignorant i know enough to understand that my system was not so much the problem but it was instead acoustical, mechanical and electrical noise floor problems...
In a word i studied acoustics to understand and i begun to listen very critically . Without these concepts in acoustics i could go nowhere , with them i begun to understand the sound body in the room for my ears ...
For an acoustician sound is related to specifics parameters...
We must learn by playing with these parameters.
Then problem solved. It takes me 2 years though full time, i am no crafty man i read and advised about reading analysis all my life. I never designed anything .😁
I designed my dedicated room and all acoustics devices... It was a success because i learned so much.
i listen music now in ectasy with a low cost system which is perfect in the specific window limits of the gear design i own for sure...
Then to solve the problem asked me to stay in analysis mode the two years it takes me to understand acoustics basic but it was each new day more and more fun like a challenge ...After it was done i never felt the need to go in analysis mode again . 😊
Now i dont need to be analytical because the sound quality is balanced and detailed enough and the others characteristics are optimal for what i have...
Even if upgrade is possible it is not even tempting because of price difference ( 10 times at least what i had paid) and my actual satisfaction ..
In fact as some owners of very costlier system may see me from above as a deluded cheap audiophile , i myself see them from my perspective as unlucky owner of very costly gear they probably never learned to optimize in many cases ...😁
Creativity makes us proud. money cannot buy that . And in near listening with my modified speakers and TOP headphone believe me i feel on the Himalaya for a free ride (1000 bucks) not in a stopgap...
Conclusion : read about acoustics science .. play with the parameters and have fun at no cost if you have time and a room for sure... it is not for everyone...
I don’t know how one can’t see the clear difference between these two things:
a) person listens to music they like
b) person presses “play” and then immediately goes into “analysis mode,” scrutinizing the fidelity of the audio.
I don’t know how a person could actually undertake the process of maximizing the level of satisfaction their home audio provides without being person b).