Tonearm resonance

Always have had an issue with tonearm noise. I can't afford the the to spend a fortune on a turtable but I just love the sound of vinyl. I have an MMF 7.3 with the stock tonearm and ortofon bronze cartridge which I'm planning to upgrade to a Hana EL most likely. Anyway, I just saw Funk Firm decouplers online the other day and am curious as to whether it is effective or not. If anyone has had experience with it I would love to hear about it. Thanks


Not noise, resonance. Vibration through the tonarm from the stylus raising the noise floor.

I would buy a TT with the option of mounting your own arm, preferably the option to add a second arm.

A good used one gives you buying options and saves money or gets you more for your budget.

Original arm could be S arm with changeable head-shell for alternate head-shell/cartridges (one might be MM/MC/Mono), or an arm that has optional arm wands, like VPI Unipivot ..... Technics bpa-500 base alternate arms.

Any members know of other arms with changeable arm wands _______?

I don’t see a compliance mismatch so unless something is wrong with the arm bearings or with the cartridge, there shouldn’t be an issue. How do you know there’s resonance? If you hold the arm pillar with one hand, and the headshell with the other, do you detect play or is there no movement?

If you are experiencing "resonance", consider a better turntable before upgrading cartridge.

You could try wrapping the arm with 10 turns of PTFE tape halfway up and at the bearing end as an experiment. You could also try increasing the mass of the arm by adding another nut to the bolts or using brass instead of aluminum etc.

Post removed 

No risk except shipping cost to try Funk's Houdini

"Funk says “Decouple”, that's why Houdini was developed! This patented little device blocks those damaging arm vibrations and Immediately your sound improves…a lot! It’s as simple as that."

"Just try it and hear, especially on your modest deck. (You’ll get your money back if you disagree…only, you won’t!)"


I recall a thread about a thin layer of soft damping material between the head-shell and cartridge that solves/prevents vibration/resonance, some highly recommend it.

I seem to remember it costs a lot less than the funk one you mentioned.

anyone know what is is _______ ?