Squeezebox Duet VS AppleTV

I've seen recommendations for both options for accessing digital music files, but before I decide, I have a couple basic questions for each alternative.

1. If I connect a Squeezebox to my pre-amp, does that effectively "disable" the volume control on the Squeezebox controller?

2. If I connect an AppleTV box to my PC and then rip my CD collection to the AppleTV box, can I then disconnect the PC from the box and just access the box directly (using an iTOUCH as remote)? Will the iTOUCH display all the track info and album art?
Another vote for Sonos, especially if you ever plan on adding more that one zone. Sonos is the clear winner when it comes to whole house music. I just setup mine this weekend and it was unbelievably painless. My only complaint is that it doesn't play WMA lossless only Apple and FLAC lossless formats, and is expensive... but you get what you pay for and the Sonos just works, always... period.
...and the Sonos just works, always... period.
Except for those people who post to the Sonos forum asking for help because their system doesn't work. ;-)

Seriously, I've been involved with both computers and music reproduction systems for a very long time and no option is guaranteed trouble free.Sonos has tried hard to make their system easier to use, albeit at a higher price and with reduced flexibility in certain areas compared to other options, but you still can't pretend that some users aren't going to have difficulties with setup and operation.

The best bet is to find stores that sell each of the products you're considering and get a live demo.

Like you, I was considering the SB Duet and Apple TV. The detailed article, "Music Servers for Audiophiles," which appeared in the August 2008 edition of The Absolute Sound, was extremely helpful in allowing me to make an informed decision. That particular issue of TAS is titled, “The Digital Issue,” and features many articles on music servers and digital playback. The aforementioned article compared the Duet and the Apple TV, complete with “The Sonic Shoot-Out,” Features, benefits and shortcomings. I don’t know if TAS has a digital archive, but if you can find that particular issue of TAS, I think you will benefit from the information/articles. Either way you go, I can tell you that you are going to love having a music server.
Thanks everyone for your thoughtful and quick replies. In the end, having little Apple experience (other than iPOD), I chose the Duet. My plan is to pair it with a VortexBox NAS as this will allow me to run the setup without a PC. In fact, the guys at VortexBox say that if I have no need for more than 2 zones, I don't need the SB receiver at all. (Too late as I already purchased the Duet which has both the Controller and Receiver).

Nevertheless, I appreciate your comments! MW
I run an Apple TV through the Cambridge DacMagic and the sound is fabulous, (huge improvement over the Apple TV's internal DAC.)

Advantage of Apple TV over Squeezebox is that you also have a video feed that you can play through an HD monitor that gives you an excellent menu including all album art. (And the advantage of having your photos on screen as well, playing to music.)

Apple TV also allows you to sync music to be the same coming out of all the boxes if you've got a computer streaming the music. Just set the speakers to multiple. (Similar to Sonos "party" mode.)