Schitt Yggdrasil More is Better

I have the latest (2023) Yggdrasil Less is More and I love it on my office system. The office has the Magnepan LRS+ speakers and a slightly warm DAC works nicely.

In my Livingroom, I am looking for a bit less warmth from the DAC (and amp). Has anyone heard the new Yggdrasil More is Better? I was planning on spending a bit of coin on a DAC, but I now realize that I can get better bang for my buck with an amp upgrade instead. I am thinking of the soon to be updated CODA System 150 amp.

I base this conclusion on the quality of the LIM DAC. I think getting better than this DAC is either diminishing returns or just another flavor. So, I am wondering how the LIM compares to the MIB? 

Anyone using the MIB and what gear are you pairing it with? I need to sell some gear to raise the cash for a DAC, so before I sell anything and do a 14-day home trial, I wanted to see what people are using the MIB with and the level of happiness. 



I have the latest (2023) Yggdrasil Less is More and I love it on my office system. The office has the Magnepan LRS+ speakers and a slightly warm DAC works nicely.

In my Livingroom, I am looking for a bit less warmth from the DAC (and amp). Has anyone heard the new Yggdrasil More is Better? I was planning on spending a bit of coin on a DAC, but I now realize that I can get better bang for my buck with an amp upgrade instead. I am thinking of the soon to be updated CODA System 150 amp.


I owned the OG twice...never heard the LIM and the other variant.

I just saw what components your system listed. Since the NS5000 is one of the speakers i have as well, I could say that the high impact upgrade than DACs may be the BACCH. The BACCH "takes over" the soundfield and will no longer have you thinking about the DAC ladder ascension.

Since you have the speaker in a living room (WAF/aesthetics may be a consideration, no gigantic subs?), I would get a pair of the KC62 kef microsubs to pair with them. You could put them out of the way, discreetly along the side walls, in front of/behind your listening position (around modal nulls, see where//what they are through the harman calc.). Room marriage and your bass foundation would be in a different ball game and positively build up into the upper octaves.

These items will be a much bigger upgrade, perceptively, than dacs and amps (in consideration of what you already have).

Thanks for that information, I considered BACCH years ago for my office system with the KEFLS50. They developed the system with the LS50 back in the day. I could have set it up on my MacMini (4-cores) for $5k.

I cannot add any subs to my "Livingroom" since it is really my son's playroom. I am intruding on his space with the stereo system. I have the KC62 sub in the office.

I am close to dialing the Livingroom system. I should get the OG DAC on Tuesday or Wednesday and will see if I am good to go for a few years.

I had plans to keep my CODA #16 in my office and upgrade to the CODA System 150. However, I lucked out and had difficulty selling my Sanders Magtech amp. I have it back with the Magnepan LRS+ in the office with the LIM and it sounds great, a little bit lower than the CODA #16 in the same setup. However, that is nitpicking and I am now loving the office setup.

If the OG works with the CODA #16 and the NS5000 then I can put the wallet away for a few years.





I am into the OG with about 25 hours, and I must say that I am extremely happily with how it sounds. It is more detailed than the LIM so that was my main issue with my Livingroom system. However, it may also have a wider soundstage than the LIM. The depth of the stage is not huge, but the width is impressive.

I have moved my Holo Serene preamp into my office and put the Benchmark HPA4 preamp with the OG in the Livingroom. A little bit more detail with the Class A CODA #16 amp and Yamaha NS5000 speakers. The speakers have a tinge of warmth.

Interestingly, the OG also sounded great on my brighter LRS+. A bit different than the LIM. I was thinking of upgrading the LIM to the MIB because of how good the OG was on the LRS+, but now that I have the Holo Serene and LIM together with the LRS+ I am finding it very additive. Maybe in the case Less is More is prophetic.

I am going to start saving up for a Playback Designs DAC but until then both of my setups, the OG and LIM, are going to be great. The 2 best DACs I have owned.