Your amp is not mid fi, it is high end, and I think if the amp is technically well constructed and you use a well constructed cable, could be $50-$100 in price depending on enclosure, your amp should sound at its 100%!
If the amp is changing sound signature because of a cable, be it $100 or $5000 then something is wrong with that amp in my opinion.
And I don’t think anyone can hear a difference in a well constructed cable, be it $100 or $5000 in a double blind test.
And saying that one’s ears or system is not good enough (resolving) is just stupid.
I have listened to very resolving systems and these systems mostly can only play the so-called AudioPhile CD’s and one can only listen for a short while before one has to leave the room feeling tired of the sound.
I am not saying that cables are not important, but mostly they just have to be the right length and well made technically and to suit your system, no need to go crazy money vise.
Sometimes I see systems where the cabling cost more than the system! Which just doesn’t make sense, but it’s a free world, so each to his own 👍🏻