Vandersteen Aficianados please step inside (Quatro)

I've got my eye on a pair of Quatros. Would a 60 wpc tube amp comfortably drive these? Or would I be doomed to something in the SS category? Thoughts appreciated.


Room is 26 x 16 x 8

Post removed 

@ozzy62 - get an amp that offers negative feedback like the Ayre amps do. That is what makes them shine. The 60WPC is plenty. I drive mine with our Class A mono block amps 40wpc. I also have driven my Sevens with a 28wpc power amp.


Call John Rutan at Audio Connection in Verona NJ he knows what will work.

Happy Listening.

Thanks for all the input. I ended up going in another direction and bought a pair of Verity Audio Parsifal Ovations.



Great speakers and certainly tube friendly.  Enjoy!  Verity will be greatly missed.