Streamers under $1500

Any good streamers advice? I currently use Sonos Connect modded by Wyred4Sound. I am looking for better sound quality and good software like Sonos.

I was looking at the PS Audio Airlense when it was on sale, has anyone heard this one?


I went through various stuff under 1000 and settled on Raspberry pi w Allo digione card or equivalent. And their LPS or Nirvana power supply.  Add an SSD for files. I use Volumio with it but there might be better. Small footprint, and I think sounds better than BlueSound which I also kept, and a lot of these all-in-one boxes. But the first reply about software you can live with is important. Not just sorting and other features but how quick does it respond with server unit from whatever remote device you use.

Cambridge Audio streamers use their own proprietary interface called Stream Magic that is very easy to use. Links up to smartphones and tablets and comes preloaded with Qobuz, Tidal, and the others. They look great, have excellent sound, and most will accept external drives and also link up to any other digital sources already on your system. I use the CXNV2 and have been very satisfied with it. It was recently updated with their newer CXN100 that runs $1099 msrp. 

@rcm1203   +1


  I liked my CXN so much that I bought another for my second system.  They have just changed the DAC and I have not heard it but I generally get on with ESS Sabre based DACs.

Slightly above your price point but might look at new Auralic S1 streamer or S1Vega.

Both at 1999. Vega has streamer plus latest DAC.

Has own App-Lightening DS. Stable, functional and reliable.

Will put you way ahead of field in a new as opposed to a used vehicle.

Good luck!



Given all the positive raved review, I am inclined to try Cambridge CXN 10 or AXN 10 too but it does not offer USB output. Even the higher end model such as CXN 100 (cxn v2) does not have it either. Without it, how can the streamer spins out high rez file above 24/192 or dsd for external DAC if one intends in lieu of its internal dac. I just don’t get the rationale behind omitting such a seemingly simple implementation that could elevate the capabilities of the streamer.