I agree with old Sonos sound. My Sonos amp and speakers are perfect. I switched to BlueSound since it has extra features, a really nice app, and power supply can be upgraded. I use my OPPO uhd 205 as my DAC and have a purple flare power cord and a Nordost coax. Instead of the Nordost just buy the upgraded linear power supply from Teddy Pardo. Ask around, it really makes a difference. Sometimes you can find people selling the older Node 2i with the upgrade for $600 which is a killer deal. After a few hundred spent. Take the rest and upgrade the DAC. It makes way more of a difference. Infact, I say keep your Sonos for now and buy a used DAC of your sound flavor. Once you have your digital foundation then test new streamers. If you do find the BSN with a linear power supply for $600 or less. The best part is if you upgrade to the newest NODE later you can still use the LPS. You will need the guts for the NODE/X which will run you about $150. If you are still hung up on a new streamer for less than $1k. A lot of my friends like the EverSolo A6. Great value for money but the NODE does have a few more features that the EverSolo does not have. I hope this helped.