Those rare albums that are great on first listen.

You know the ones. They blow your mind and make you glad you're an audiophile.

Share your favorites.

For me it’s usually some style or vibe I haven’t heard before. My list so far is around 20, but I’ll keep it to my top 5. Feel free to share as many as you like.

!. Poe ‘Haunted’
2. Spirit “Twelve dreams of Dr. Sardonicus’
3. Midlake ‘The Trials of Van Occupanther’
4.Tori Amos ‘Little Earthquakes’
5. Skindive  ‘Skindive’



From a purely audiophile perspective:

Alison Krauss and Union Station: Lonely Runs Both Ways. 

A reissue of 12 Dreams would be a real treat. It was my favorite trip back in the day and is one of the few psychedelic albums I still listen to. Ear candy. 

Some of the older Jazz and classical albums that were recorded well are my favorite surprises. In fact from this post I have some listening to do. So thank you everyone for reminding me to go to the archives. Time to swap out a few of my top 100.