Solar flares are here, everyone unplug your dryer!

Turns out we have exceptionally high solar activity right now, with a category 4 solar flair expected to impact the planet, potentially affecting satellite communications, electronics and power grids.

Of course, if history is any guide the news is absolutely over excited over this, at best those in the northern states may see pretty lights at night.  I was particularly amused this afternoon at a CNN weather person recommending you unplug your dryer just to be safe.  I mean, is that really the most important appliance in his house?  🤣

Also, kind of off topic, if you have binoculars or a telescope with the right solar filters you can catch a glimpse of the dark spots on the sun associated with this CME.  Amazing to imagine that it is about 15-16x wider than the earth. 


No wander my iPhone 15 was cutting in and out dropping calls

I was thinking our local cell tower was causing the problem 

Thanks for that. I guess I will just keep on not reading these long winded diatribes of nothingness. I am sure we all know about whom I am posting.

Yes, @laoman  , unfortunately I do know.

Does anyone know if there is a way to block a poster so their posts are not visible? There is one particular poster who posts meaningless paragraphs about everything under the sun - mostly incorrect. I politely sent that person a pm asking him to keep posts short and the reply was rude and offensive. Thank you in advance.

Thanks for that. I guess I will just keep on not reading these long winded diatribes of nothingness. I am sure we all know about whom I am posting.

laoman going in an email invasion with ONLY the short sentence : "your posts are boring stop it" is not polite nor kind ...You dont invade private mail with this crap  from your behind...

I answered go on with harassing me in my private mail again and i will report you ...

You decided to go public here with this lie you concocted i answered in a straight way..

If my posts are all mostly incorrect most of the times poor liar CORRECT THEM...or stay mute...

Stay out of my private mail and kept your insult for you...

Anybody with a brain can skip posts , everyone here do it without insulting anyone in his private box...

Did you get it ?

I just posted in this thread information about our grid, what was your post : anonymus cowardly slanders with the hope of stirring the pot of hate...

I pity idiots but not haters...


the lack of a blocking feature has been a sore point on this site for a long time.  all you can do is skip over them.

Well this thread is going nowhere good.  Can we at least get back to astronomy?