How often, and how, do you clean your stylus?

I used to brush the stylus before each side played but now I think that is excessive, so I check it with a jewelers loupe.  I also rotate between the brush and sometimes use Blue Tack instead of the brush.  


I tend to clean my stylus when I start hearing sibilance or distortion. It usually means the stylus picked up a wad of crud. I use an old Discwasher stylus brush with a drop of Record Doctor LP cleaner. I don’t do detailed inspections as my LP listening is sporadic and my styli last for several years plus I rotate among a few cartridges.

FWIW:  I've lately been using an Onzow before every side and an Audioquest anti-static record brush.  When I'm finished playing albums for the day/night/etc., I'll do the Onzow again and then use MoFi LP#9 before I put the TT to bed.  Also, no album goes on my new TT before first having been run through my lash-up record cleaning system which incorporates an ultrasonic cleaning machine.  With regard to stylus wear, I've found the Stylus Timer to be a useful tool, once you get into the habit of not forgetting to set it.  Mark my words!  If, unbeknownst to me, this hasn't already happened, it's just a question of time before manufacturers begin building new TTs with built-in stylus timers, hype the hell out of this and charge a couple of hundred bucks (or more) for this extra option or feature that really should cost only a couple extra bucks.  Is this a great country or what?

I use a brush once a day. I have the Humminguru S-DUO, and a Hudson vibrating stylus cleaner (NOT ultrasonic even if sold as such). The S-DUO does work, but it is fiddly to use as you want to be sure not to get moisture inside a cartridge. Consequently I used it once and haven't used it again.

I used to use Stylast, but no more: it rusted out the armature from a Decca.

I have used all of these methods on previous cartridges. The stylus gets up to  1200 degrees Fahrenheit. And gum, oil, or contaminants will get infused onto that stylus. Not good because it can act like a barrier or cushion and lower the detail. You can buy ME sponges that do not have the chemicals or soaps on them. That is probably the only one I would use if you like the quick drop method. Leif from Ortofon says dry brush only. J.R. From Wally tools says dry brush then every three to four weeks you wet clean with a non alcohol cleaner. You can use a longer fiber brush to remove the dust on the cantilever. I have seen too many people damage the cantilever so be careful or don’t wet clean at all. Maybe even distilled water only. YOU MUST MAKE SURE YOUR CANTILEVER IS CLEAN WITHOUT DUST ON IT TO PREVENT WICKING UP INTO THE CARTRIDGE BODY WHERE THE WIRES AND MAGNETS ARE. It has been proven that contaminates will fuse onto the stylus like Onzow. If you are using a $150 cart do what you want. If you are using a cart that costs hundreds or thousands then dry brush only back to front before you drop the tonearm. 
I hope this helps. 

There is a setup consultant, Stirling Trayle @ Audio Systems Optimized. Pretty thorough as to TTs and cleaning stylus. He attacks the whole system as to static electricity, clean contacts etc. His website has some great info including stylus cleaning.