my own experience with Tekton Design

Extremely disappointed with the Dynaudio Contour 60s I bought 4 years ago, after owning for 2 years a wonderful pair of old Dynaudio Contour 3.3s ( poor fool, I thought I was upgrading), I decided to ditch the Dynaudios for something different. So, for the last 2 years, I have been one of the few Tekton Moab owners in Europe, I think. Already the first impression of the Moabs was very positive. I was still not 100 percent satisfied, but I was already much more satisfied than I was with the Contour 60s. After a few months I realized that something was wrong, and after some measurements that I shared with Eric (the owner and designer of Tekton) it was clear that one of the beryllium tweeters was slightly less performing than the other. Probably a problem caused by transportation from the United States to Europe. In any case I experienced in Eric great support, attention and kindness. Eric sent me a replacement tweeter that I personally assembled with very little effort in less than 10 minutes. 

And then wow! It was really a change from day to night. At first I didn't believe that a 15% less tweeter efficiency could make such a huge difference in presentation. But I had to believe it.  I listen mostly to classical, jazz, and ethnic recordings, so for me the most important characteristics of a speaker are timbre quality and soundstage accuracy. The Moabs offer all this naturally, effortlessly. I have no intention of upgrading to anything else. Thanks for everything Eric!


Anyone in Colorado have a pair of Moabs who would be gracious enough to let me stop by and listen to them? I’m looking for new speakers and would love to hear them. 


daros71, your struggles with the C60's were well documented and hard to miss. That we each have a flavor we prefer notwithstanding, your thread is appreciated and wholly believable. 

It's good for you that you found a pair of speakers that make you happy.

Glad you found something to make you happy again. Ah, so aggravating these days to only get to hear a very few brands or models in person at a bricks and mortar store.  I do have Audio Advice about 1 hour and 20 minutes from me, but of course brands like Tekton, Zu, the Clayton Shaw Caladan, and others are impossible to hear nearly anywhere before you buy unless a friend or coworker has a pair. 

I think the recent bru-ha-ha over Eric threatening to sue a YouTube reviewer (Aaron) was a bit extreme and he had done similar to another reviewer too. Eric should have offered to work with Aaron to resolve any issues. Plus the speaker he was reviewing wasn't one that most people would choose anyway for home use I don't think (more for use as a studio monitor it seems). 

These creative types often seem to be high stress, short trigger "Type A" people. They need to do like women in the 1970s and take a chill pill (mother's little helper). I can understand he has a reputation to guard since he sells consumer direct, so maybe that is part of it. But glad he worked with you to resolve your issue and you are happy with their performance. 

@stevebohnii I had the same desire to hear some Tektons and there were two guys in Denver. I went to the house of one of them and hear them. Very forward and bright for my ears. In the end, both Denver guys sold their speakers and replaced them, one with Devore and the other with Dutch and Dutch.

My friend Markr has Moab never have a brightness problem or forwardness. He used Aric amp and preamp.He used to have PS 12 and impact monitor.Audioman 58 your crossover recommendations might overly increase the price.