what are the best sounding Accuphase or Luxman amps/preamps?

What are the best sounding Accuphase or Luxman amps/preamps (ie separates) that you have heard and would recommend?


I own the M10X amp. I also have an Audio Research Ref 5 SE tube preamp. This is a killer match for anybody. I’m pushing the Revel Studio 2 speakers. I believe they are like 86 db. I love a tube preamp with the SS amp. The Ref 5SE is killer especially when you upgrade the 6550 tube to NOS Tungsol or Svetlana winged “C”. I did try the Luxman C900 preamp. I did not like it as much as the AR preamp. Another option is the 509z integrated. I say this because Luxman is pretty versatile. You can use the 507/509 Z as an integrated/ preamp/ or an amp. So later you can add say the Luxman C1000 and have the best of all worlds. The M10X amp is pretty versatile too because it has both XLR and RCA inputs. I know well duh! They can both be hooked up and switchable on the fly. So you can have your digital on one without a preamp and your preamp or analog on another. My goal is an RCA tube preamp with phono. That goes into the RCA input and digital goes into XLR. Or maybe you use your amp and speakers for Home Theater or TV. Now you’re not burning your tubes to watch a movie or TV. Looks s of options. You are comparing two very different sounding brands. If your speakers are not 90+ db I would go Luxman. My dream is a CAT Preamp with phono for analog running RCA which is 16 feet away from the amp on the Turntable rack. Then using My Ref 5SE as the digital side running XLR. Much later would be CAT JL7 amps. So I can really hear perfection. That is way down the road. This is my experience. Hopefully this helped. 

Many thanks - the M-10x looks like an amazing unit but likely overkill for my 93 dB speakers.  I am leaning towards an Accuphase A-48 class A amp that is 45W into 8 ohms but doubles down all the way down to 1 ohm with a high damping factor 800.

I think that’s a great choice since you can push your speakers. Plus, Class A is awesome! 

One of the best amps I have ever heard is the Luxman MQ-300, beats any Accuphase (I own the Accu E-650). In SS, I like Accu better than Lux, but Lux tube amps really kick butt (the LX-380 tube integrated might be as good or better as my E-650 at half the price).

I am hoping that Accuphase separates will be a little better than their integrated amps...