300B or 2a3 SET Class A for Heretic Model A?

Wondering which one would be the perfect match/magical integrated? 100db is more than enough to drive almost everything.

Between these: Mastersound Compact 300B, Trafomatic Evolution Two, Robson Acoustic 300B Masterpiece,  WE91E or even Luxman SQ-N150.

Thanks in advance!


Hey Atam,


you’re entirely right, I have push pull amps too and love them. But that’s not my point. The 300b/2A3/45/50 tube world is a culture unto itself. And I find that huge fun to be a part of. Not only do they (or I should say, they can) sound great, but it’s a very interesting esoteric part of this hobby that’s great fun to learn about, historically both from hifis inception and more recently with Japanese and other Asian cultural approach’s to this era of equipment design. 

It has been a while, but, I have heard the Atmasphere M 60 and M 30 amps.  I liked the sound a lot--very alive and vivid without being harsh.  If you are looking for extra warmth, they might not be ideal, but, they are still very fun to listen to.  More recently (about three months ago) I got to hear their MA 2 (I believe) amp which is much bigger and it sounded great.  Some SET amps are also very lively and dynamic sounding within their restricted output, but, OTLs do the extreme dynamics too and should certainly be under consideration for a tube-based system.

we are a Mastersound dealer the compact 845 is a remarkable amplifier reliable, dynamic, with enough power to drive more moderately efficient set of loudspeakers 


one of the most memorable amplifiers I have ever owned in 40 years of professional system design.


Dave and Troy

Audio intellect NJ

Mastersound dealer

Another plug for Aric. I've owned three of his amps and was elated with each one of them. I just sold my Super 300B and I will miss it dearly. It just didn't fit with my new speakers.

Aric is the man and he won't steer you wrong.

I can recommend:

1. 300B integrated Allnic T-1500. I listened to it in Montreal Audio show and it sounds really great. It has 6sn7 driver loaded on choke - LC coupling.

2. Aric Audio Super 300B. It should be even better because it has 6v6 powerful driver tube with inter-stage transformer. That is very important for difficult to drive 300B.

3. Coincident Audio Frankenstein - mono blocks. It is also has inter-stage transformer and powerful driver tubes. I listened to this amp in my friend's system.