Time heals all wounds?

Maybe this is true. I have an old NAD cd player that I keep because it decodes HDCD. A couple months ago it stopped reading discs. I didn't do anything aas fast as getting it looked at or replacing it. A few days ago, I tried it again...and it now works perfectly. Go figure...


You wisely had the restraint not to impulsively start taking it apart, ending up with a pile of screws and other parts that, try as you might, could not get back together to no avail, forcing you to put everything in a cardboard box in the basement/garage to deal with "one of these days", despite your significant other’s pleadings for you to throw the damn thing away....

Is there a market for old/vintage NADs? (no, not those "old nads"!)

Integrated amp with phono stage, power amp, and tuner, all from the way early days (early 80's), all work, and they could use a good home where they are appreciated.

time doesnt heal all wounds. manybecome infected, go septic and become fatal. many wreck the wounded. some wounds u dont fully recover from. some you spend your entire life recovering from.

but as far as that CD player, well...thats great!

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