DAC with the best midrange ever.....

Please keep this topic straight to the question and try not to go off tangent. I am very specific with this need.
Most musical and melodic dac, I DONT LIKE the new benchmark dac even with all the rave out there that much but I liked the Musical Fidelity A324 dac.
The Audio Aero Capitol was nice but I prefered the SONY SCD1 even though its much older. I am a huge analog fan...
This should give you an idea as to what I am actually trying to find if you have had any of the mentioned units.
Altmann Attraction DAC

It might be ugly and inconvenient, but it excels with music and has a very neutral presentation.
You should consider an Audio Logic DAC, I think it fits your description very well. Perhaps a little full in the bass compared to something like the EMM Labs (I use both in my system), but consistently natural and musical presentation.
The Manley Reference DAC from the mid-late 1990s. Check it out here. I have had one for several years and would not let it go because it does the middle 6 or so octaves like nothing else. And with the help of Steve Huntley at GNSC to update power supply caps and a few audio stage caps, this unit was taken to yet another level of performance, particularly greater extension on the top to allow those magical midrange harmonics to decay even longer. No other DAC that I have tried renders the piano like this. The all maxed-out APL Denon 3910 that I also own has a little more low-level detail and a little more dynamic punch in the lowest octave, and it is quite musical with the 7062/12BH7A tube, but the Manley continues to be the midrange king.
Who knows what the best really is but I can vouch that the mhdt Paradisea tube DAC with the stock GE tube is top notch in the mids.
You really haven't given enough info. Tell us specifically what you didn't like about the Benchmark, what you liked about the Sony (which filter?), etc. Not providing any system info also doesn't help.