Squeeze box classic 3 vs. Slim Device Transporter.

I presently have a Squeeze box classic 3 digital output to a Musical Fidelity Tri-Vista 21, which up samples to 24/192. I am curious to the fact that the Slim Device Squeeze box classic 3 past up to 24/48khz. were the Slim device Transporter is 24/96khz. and downloading 24/96khz HD music such as Chesky recording will affect my music in my present setup. Is it required to upgrade to a Slim Device Transporter. Please provide feedback.
i believe the SB3 will just down sample your 24/96 files to 24/48. if you want to pass the full 24/96, you'll need the transporter. however, since you're using the musical fidelity which upsamples to 24/192, the whole issue might just be a wash.
Thank you Kgturner for your respond and that is just the point, knowing the Transporter passes 24/96 from the download stage makes me wonder through the Squeeze box at 24/48 then up sampled to 24/192 through the DAC is measured and compensated electronically. The musically part is were I am lost.
The 24/96 tracks from HDTracks sound quite good on my Transporter. To my ears 24/96 is a palable step up from Redbook.
SqueezeCenter down converts the signal to 24/48 with the SOX software for SB2/3 & Duet; SOX does a very good job of down converting (the sample rate is not decimated). Keep in mind that 24/48 is still a real improvement over 16/44.1, while the difference between 24/48 and 24/96 is probably very marginal (audibly). The Transporter does handle 24/96 natively, but if you do go with a Transporter, your WiFi router will need to be 802.11G/N to pass 24/96.