
I’m really happy with my system. However when a technician, who is also a salesman, came to my house for a stereo repair he complimented my set but said it would sound a lot better if I switched out my Benchmark AHB2 amp (which I think is great) for a Pass 30 wpc class AB amp. He offered to let me hear that amp in my system so that I could decide for myself (at a fee of $300.) The only problem is he doesn’t  have the 30 watt amp in stock but would have to demo the Pass sound with 60 watt monoblocks. He assured  me that with my very efficient GoldenEar Triton 1 speakers the 30 watt amp will almost have the the same quality.

Do you think I can honestly judge how the smaller amp will actually sound? Or should I cancel the demonstration (and save$300?)


You've mentioned you want to hear the Pass sound.  Why not just go to a dealer's showroom and hear a Pass amp?  Surely, somewhere in NYC there is a Pass dealer with amps in stock.  Road trip!  BTW, I have an XA30.8 and love it, but moving it around is a pain.

I agree with your thought to shun this deal....but you can still explore Pass....easy to bring your 12.5 pound Benchmark to your Pass dealer...while there is some disagreement here on some issues, there appears to be agreement that Pass and Benchmark sound quite different...without the expensive hard sell from the tech/owner, it just may be fun to explore Pass and other amps, especially with your amp so easy to carry around...shun the deal but give in to your curiosity !!!

Dealers I work with will let me take home equipment for free. I just give them my Credit Card number where they can charge me if I don’t return the item. Never heard of a charge just to demo. 

I have a couple of points to add.

1) Your Benchmark is one of the best amps ever made and has received rave reviews across the board. It's going to be hard to beat.

2) If you have the itch to experiment with amps I would suggest buying a used tube amp so that you have the chance of getting something that sounds more different. Your Golden Ear's are suitable for tubes (they have good sensitivity and a fairly flat impedance curve).

If you buy a used tube amp you can keep it as long as you want and if it's doesn't spew fairy dust out of your speakers you can sell it for about what you paid for it.