Cornwall IV vs. Volti Rival, Razz; Razz v. 1, 2, 3 -- what changed?

Looking for efficient speakers. I had the opportunity to listen to a Cornwall IV yesterday. It was run on nice tubes (Primaluna 400 EL34s) with a bluesound node streamer/dac.

QUESTION: I'm curious if anyone has compared CW IV with Volti Rival of Razz. Thoughts?

QUESTION 2: Anyone know what changed in the Volti Razz when it moved from v. 2 to v. 3?



I've not heard the Cornwalls but I quite enjoyed the Razz pretty sure it was v1 if not then v2. Having also heard the Rivals I'd call the Razz fun and a touch unrefined but just in comparison to the Rivals which are much more $$.  Not sure if that helps much but good luck with the search Hilde I remain a frustrated horn enthusiast with a too small room. 😉

@jond Thanks. I appreciate it. Those CW’s were just so huge. Of course: no pain, no gain -- probably goes for the Rivals, too -- but it almost seems like letting a gorilla into your house. At first, it seems fun but soon you can’t get rid of him and no one will step up to help.


It really depends on your priorities. If dynamics are high on your list, you’ll learn to live with the imperfections. I did when I had them years ago, and that was much older ones, and my supporting gear wasn’t as good.

I’d suggest trying them in your system if possible. I personally think that they look good too.


your remarks on the Cornwall match my opinions. I demoed them 3 times at different dealers on McIntosh solid state and their 275 tube amp. I find them a bit harsh and wore my ears out but they were cranked (by choice) in all fairness. I also find the soundstage changed width with frequency. After demoing the Klispch line I bought the JBL 4367. 

I have never heard Volti. The JBL 4367 keeps the good part of the Cornwalls but betters everything with better drivers and parts. Look up Google images of the drivers from both speakers… They have a very smooth response that never tires and highs and upper highs are adjustable. They have measurements to back them up too. There is a pair on here for $7500 right now. 


How efficient do you require for the power you're running?  I contacted Greg who confirmed I could run 2 watt flea amps on my Volti Rival 100dB.  The Cornwall IV is 102dB