Hardware or source materail

Hello –

The following is for context.

I am an old guy. I grew up in the days a Mac 225, AR3a, EPI, Phase Linear. I have only recently stopped working full time so I bought the following for my small office listening area, about 12x12.

Debut Carbon/Ortofon Blue


Denon 600NE


B&W 8” 300 watt Sub (sealed)

I mostly listen to orchestral, Steely Dan, Miles, Brubeck, Krall, Botti – you get the idea. I also am season holder for LA Phil and Hollywood Bowl so I know what “real” music sounds like.

My little system may not be to everyone’s taste but I find it fills my little space well.

Here is the quandary:

Like most, I am always thinking about the next “upgrade” for improved fidelity. Don’t need loud or to fill big space. However, I just purchased a half-speed (45 RPM) Brubeck and was absolutely astonished at the dynamic range and sound quality. I believe that what it is telling me is that with the right input the hardware I have is maximized.

Obviously, a $7K amp and equally expensive supporting components would be even better. But how much better? Is the investment in better source material a better use of funds? After all, that will always be available if the hardware is improved. You can buy a lot of $60-150 vinyl records (or CDs made from masters) for the 15 to $20K hardware cost.


  I put paying big bucks for vinyl low on the list, these days.  That isn't the way the wind is blowing.  And even though 45's can sound better, spending even more time cleaning and turning  records over is not very appealing.  And then there's the problems with the mastering of many reissues, which can make the records hit-or-miss.

 The source quality is often the least of my concerns, since I like many historical recordings and bootlegs of live recordings, where the quality of the recording is poor.  

   Since you express happiness with your current speakers: a better integrated will make every single thing you listen to sound better.  Including all the records you already have.  

This has been a very informative series for me. I thank you all for your responses. I will look into a stand alone phono pre. Any suggestions? Tube vs SS? My CA AXR was about $600 so not expensive. Any phono stage would be played through the CA which is SS amp. Dunno if that makes any real difference.100/watts/side though I rarely have it past 75% of power, small room and, well, wife.

I spent some time at Excel Audio in Newport Beach and auditioned some gear. Some of the best available and it was very impressive.

Your TT/cart is where I started just 4 years ago. It is entry level and not worthy of some of the high quality vinyl you might be buying at Excel (I buy all my vinyl from Mike).

How to get a better system incrementally? You should trust Mike’s advice. Let him know how much you are willing to spend. I would start with TT/Cart/Phono stage.

My issue is that my room is so small it seems to me that I would reach a point of dimminishing returns very quickly.

Near field listening can be awesome - listen to the very small Harbeth’s - I think Mike has all but the 40’s in stock. I used to have Harbeth 30’s in a 60x20 ft space with a couple of small RELs and they were amazing for their size. Not trying to steer you to Harbeth, just that a small (12x12) room should not be limiting your expectations. Actually it may be an advantage.


OP,  you are correct that Blue is above red.  But glad we both enjoyed a nice boost at a bargain.  I'd think a still better cart and/or phono amp would also move the needle.  I use a Vincent PHO300 and think it's quite good albeit ill admit, with no real comparisons.  The reason I stopped there was my frustration with securing good vinyl.  Between modern pressings of older titles, the vagaries of the used vinyl market and the general cost/title and the numerous disappointments (SQ and material), I made the switch to streaming.  Bottom line to me was less $ per satisfactory title  since I can stream for $11/mo.  Enything.  Dabble in an artist.  Discover. No dust, cleaning, static etc.  Just my journey and not a recommendation.    Cost of way less than one vinyl per month earns back my initial outlay IMO.  Also, no mention of room acoustic work.   Being square and using a sub likely means some stout LF peaks to be be tamed.