Vera-Fi Audio LLC Snubway Shipment

Has Anyone received their Preorder of Snubway Yet.?

Lables created March 31 2024 pre-shipment  USPS is not installing much confidence at this point..


My dealings with Mark have been spot on. I'm probably bais as I like talking to him! I have zero concern that anything nefarious is going on. I continue to be glad I will get mine as soon as they get in. 

Mark and Damien are good as gold - don’t worry, you will receive your order : )


In friendship - kevin

I've personally experienced nothing but professionalism and good service from Vera-Fi.

Every business has the occasional disruption due to weather and other shipping issues. The UPS strike around the early 2000s was very painful for my small business and resulted in several very angry customers and, perhaps these days, a nasty forum thread.

Their Swiss Digital Fuse Box has been the most effective for the money audio accessory I've tried in the last forty years. As soon as I can afford it, I plan to upgrade a few critical components in my recording/production studio where it's a lot easier to hear the benefits of fine tuning devices like this. We have some big semi-modular, other types of synthesizers/keyboards and other sound design tools along with all the other stuff one would find in a small production studio. Upgrading power supplies, providing clean AC (we use Puritan PSM156 units in all three studios) and performing tweaks otherwise reserved for the consumer audio market, have resulted in often surprisingly good results. Not sure if anyone else in the industry has figured this out yet, including Hans Zimmer, someone my sons and I hold in the highest regard. I'd love to get my hands on his production studio or just hang out.

Lets face it, shipping anything is a hit or miss prospect lately, it is slowly getting better but still no where close to what it was back it 2019.  I am not concerned about this order because I know Mark will get mine to me as soon as he can, Damien seems to be a capable young man also.