Your Ultimate Phono Preamp: Which One Would You Choose?

Imagine you’re in the market for a high-end phono preamp (your ultimate, at least for the moment) and have the budget to splurge.

Which one would you get?

Perhaps you've already got it, which one?


Maybe, for fun, ones that allow use of other equalization curves.  I don't care if RIAA was completely adopted a long while ago, I've heard use of other equalization curves, and there are some records that happen to sound better in a specific setup with a different curve.  Zanden makes a nice tube unit with built in SUT that sounds pretty good.  For solid state, the FM Acoustic phono stage is really interesting because it allows an infinite variety of equalizations.  One uses two controls, one selects the turnover frequency, the other selects the slope of the curve.  I only briefly heard this thing at a show, but, it looks like it could be fun to try some unique equalization curves.

Convergent (CAT) SL-1 Legend Black Path Extreme. It’s never failed to sound anything less than stellar in any system I’ve heard it in.

Audio Research Reference 3SE. After purchasing my first Audio Research phono stage, the PH2 around 1989 which finally sounded great.  I then upgrading multiple times over the following decades.. I finally got to the REF3 about five years ago, analog never sounded so good.

@jasonbourne52...thanks for the RGR mention!  I was an RGR dealer and became good friends with Roger.  He was quite the character.

I still have an RGR 4 somewhere in storage.  I remember when that hit the market and got all the great reviews.  We couldn't keep them in stock.  Sold a batch of them.

As far as my end game phono stage:  Modwright PH150.

This is incorrect question. Ultimate in one system may not be ultimate in another. And I don't mean just different cartridges. I do suspect though that in most or all systems tube phono stage will win.