Do you past equipment appear in your dreams?

I see recurring dreams about an Audio Innovations tube amp I used to have. In the dream I suddenly remember I need to get new tubes, after then everything becomes difficult.


That amp was great, a bargain. It broke, of course, and somehow my dad got rid of it, took it to a crap metal shop maybe.


I rarely recall dreams, but occasionally have one involving a Tiny Tim crystal radio I received as a gift when I was young.

The dream is of something that really happened and the radio images are of it being "clipped" to a floor lamp with a metallic pole holding the light globe @ the top (the metal pole acts as an antenna for the crystal radio which has no battery or external power source) and my father operating/tuning it.

The actual event is that my father borrowed the radio to listen to weather updates during a major summer storm in Iowa as the power was out.

We were in the basement due to tornado warnings, but a snook (sneaked?) upstairs to get something and saw a lightening strike across the street (through the living room’s picture window) that split a huge Elm tree in half.

The field across the street was a forest of Elm trees with a large pasture cleared for horses (the lightening strike rocked our house like an explosion).

Aside from the radio/lamp the dream includes my view through the picture window/including its Mahogany trim, the lightening strike/percussion and one of the horses (Dynamite) who was not in reality visible to me during the storm as the horses had all been secured in a barn prior to the storm hitting (it’s a dream).

Not much "gear" in the dream and it’s certainly not on the level of dreaming that you are still in High School (not being able to graduate) at the ripe age of 69, but I like it because I get to see my father, the Mahogany picture window trim and Dynamite again.






I cannot recall any dreams about audio equipment, but I seldom remember my dreams very long.   Usually I forget them shortly after I wake up.  I do have recurring dreams about a great job/career I used to have, and last night or this morning I had one of those.  I distinctly remember two people I used to work with, and mention of a third, in that dream.  That job had nothing to do with weightlifting (although through out the sixteen or so years of that job I did lift weights) but in the dream I was bench pressing, and the bench I was on had a thick pad or foam covering, so when I unracked the barbell the weight of it drove me down into the padding far enough that I could not rerack the barbell.

I have dreams all the time about taking simple little trips in my car and then some obstacle or the other is presented and I have to detour and I wind up lost and unable to complete my trip.