Cornwall IV vs. Volti Rival, Razz; Razz v. 1, 2, 3 -- what changed?

Looking for efficient speakers. I had the opportunity to listen to a Cornwall IV yesterday. It was run on nice tubes (Primaluna 400 EL34s) with a bluesound node streamer/dac.

QUESTION: I'm curious if anyone has compared CW IV with Volti Rival of Razz. Thoughts?

QUESTION 2: Anyone know what changed in the Volti Razz when it moved from v. 2 to v. 3?



Silverfoxvtx1800, you can take pictures of the speakers and put on your system page. Relatively easy to do.

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Always great to hear speaker dreams come true! Cable upgrades next lol.



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@silverfoxvtx1800 Great to have these impressions. Obviously, you're still in the honeymoon phases, but so interesting to learn. To think you almost didn't keep these!

Be interested to revisit this thread now and again, especially if you keep posting.