Power Cables

Any recommendations for power cables under $500 for 

Streamers or DACs?


Please tell me your reasons for any you recommend. 


@knownothing Good point. When I stated that we don't know how they could affect a purely digital component I was conceding I have yet to hear, in the case of a streamer, how they might affect the sound. Especially in the case where a USB connection is used to the DAC and the clocking is handled by the DAC. I did not address the more general case of properly shielded cords not affecting the components around them. I agree that this could be a primary improvement with an aftermarket cord vs the stock cord.

I am currently selling off some old cables and came across an inexpensive, unshielded 10 AWG power cable I bought last year on a whim. I swapped it in on my power amp, which was using an Acoustic Zen El Nino. After a day I remembered why I pulled it out, a very fine grain was added to all the sound, fatigue in a previously fatigue-less system. Does it need break in, maybe, but I won't sit through that to find out.

FWIW, I am a believer that it all matters and it is very likely that a good cord does affect the performance of a dedicated streamer. Motivated by this conversation, I moved a Wireworld Silver Electra 7 cable from my preamp to my streamer, which is where the seller recommended I put it in the first place, and moved the Acoustic Zen El Nino from the streamer to the preamp. The sound changed for sure, and for the better, which cord where made the difference?

Did I answer your question?


@zlone yes you did - thanks.  And glad you were able to improve your sound by making adjustments.

@jfrmusic "Just finished burning in my IceAge Frankencable power cord"

power cables don’t have much aging effect, unlike tubes, some heavily used semicons, electrolytic caps, and hard driven resistors. there is some change in contact resistance, once contacting parts increase contacting area.. cable itself worsens performance due to resistance increase overtime, but that is very slow process..


Realizing this forum is a free-of-charge format, advice given is oft completely in line.   The real value is in the entertainment rendered.

I've certainly profited at times, but the majority of it is like people watching at Heathrow; rather benign, yet clumsily attractive.  Thanks for the smiles.