Power Cables

Any recommendations for power cables under $500 for 

Streamers or DACs?


Please tell me your reasons for any you recommend. 


@zlone yes you did - thanks.  And glad you were able to improve your sound by making adjustments.

@jfrmusic "Just finished burning in my IceAge Frankencable power cord"

power cables don’t have much aging effect, unlike tubes, some heavily used semicons, electrolytic caps, and hard driven resistors. there is some change in contact resistance, once contacting parts increase contacting area.. cable itself worsens performance due to resistance increase overtime, but that is very slow process..


Realizing this forum is a free-of-charge format, advice given is oft completely in line.   The real value is in the entertainment rendered.

I've certainly profited at times, but the majority of it is like people watching at Heathrow; rather benign, yet clumsily attractive.  Thanks for the smiles.