Warm, yet detailed tube preamp

Looking for a warm but yet detailed preamp to upgrade my Rouge RP1 (with NOS tubes). Rest of system is Coincident Frankenstein 300B Mk2, Zu Audio Omen Def Supreme, digital front end with PS Audio AirStream and DirectStream Sr (modified with external power supply for the analog side and different output transformers). The Rouge is a very good preamp (especially for the money), but it does definitely hold the system back at this point. I would like to add a bit more warmth of the overall sound and also add depth to the soundstage (without losing details). And I do want a remote... if nothing else, volume and mute.


Willing to spend about $5k used (or so).



Why not get the a matching Coincident Line Stage?

Coincident sells direct (save money from marketing cost) or buy used. If you go this direction, maybe they can offer tube rolling advice also if needed.

@kennyc the Coincident preamps don’t come with a remote. I frequently adjust volume based on the track so this is something I’m not willing to compromise on

I really enjoyed the Cary Slp-98 but my fave yet is the Luxman 38uc… i dont know how else to describe it other than it brought the soul and emotion out of everything I listened to.

@snapoli2 interesting you mention the Luxman. I just spoke to my local dealer (whom I really trust, have done business with him for well over 20 years) and that's exactly what he recommended


May borrow one from him after the long weekend and listen